A brand new interactive show designed for a virtual platform
“Hm. That sounds really […] tough. Do you want to tell me about it?”
Rapid advances in artificial intelligence, neural networks, and deepfake algorithms mean that it’s no longer a question of if chatbots will be able to hold convincing conversations with humans — it’s a question of when. But if we’re not even sure what exactly we want from our human partners, then how are we supposed to know what to ask of our robot companions?
In this virtual interactive experience, audience contestants compete as they attempt to reprogram cutting-edge (but still buggy) AI chatbots to complete a series of reality-TV style challenges, with a winning prize for the “Most Human” bot on the show.
Rapid advances in artificial intelligence, neural networks, and deepfake algorithms mean that it’s no longer a question of if chatbots will be able to hold convincing conversations with humans — it’s a question of when. But if we’re not even sure what exactly we want from our human partners, then how are we supposed to know what to ask of our robot companions?
In this virtual interactive experience, audience contestants compete as they attempt to reprogram cutting-edge (but still buggy) AI chatbots to complete a series of reality-TV style challenges, with a winning prize for the “Most Human” bot on the show.
TimeOut New York raves :robot_face: is "a diverting experiment in intelligent artifice" --"The company has risen to the moment ingeniously with its highly amusing new online show :robot_face:, a mock reality-TV competition show centered on designing realistic artificial-intelligence chatbots. Instead of trying to ignore or work around the inherent limitations of online theater, Dacha cleverly puts technology front and center."
What do I need to experience the show?
Contestants need a web cam and a microphone, and the ability to log on to a Zoom call. Spectators watch the stream on Twitch, and have the option of logging in to a Twitch account to interact with the show live via the chat function!
Can more than one person experience the show on the same device?
Multiple contestants may participate on one device. However, all contestants must have their own tickets, as the groups are capped in size based on the number of humans participating.
We strongly discourage spectators from viewing the show on the same device as a contestant, as the spectator and contestant experiences are designed to be different.
As many spectators may watch on one device as you like. We ask that each spectator reserves their own ticket.
I see different start times. I'm confused!
Don't worry! They're different.
The contestant experience (via Zoom) begins on the hour. The spectator experience (via Twitch) begins 30 minutes later, on the half hour.
What do I need to know to participate?
Contestants will receive an "on-boarding" email on the day of the show. It will include information regarding camera/mic norms (for the most part, keep them on!), display name instructions, and tips on how to enable Zoom features like "hide non-video participants" to optimize your experience.
This information will be gone over again at the beginning of the show.
Spectators will receive the Twitch link for the show via email on the day of your selected performance.
Other questions? Email us at [email protected]
What do I need to experience the show?
Contestants need a web cam and a microphone, and the ability to log on to a Zoom call. Spectators watch the stream on Twitch, and have the option of logging in to a Twitch account to interact with the show live via the chat function!
Can more than one person experience the show on the same device?
Multiple contestants may participate on one device. However, all contestants must have their own tickets, as the groups are capped in size based on the number of humans participating.
We strongly discourage spectators from viewing the show on the same device as a contestant, as the spectator and contestant experiences are designed to be different.
As many spectators may watch on one device as you like. We ask that each spectator reserves their own ticket.
I see different start times. I'm confused!
Don't worry! They're different.
The contestant experience (via Zoom) begins on the hour. The spectator experience (via Twitch) begins 30 minutes later, on the half hour.
What do I need to know to participate?
Contestants will receive an "on-boarding" email on the day of the show. It will include information regarding camera/mic norms (for the most part, keep them on!), display name instructions, and tips on how to enable Zoom features like "hide non-video participants" to optimize your experience.
This information will be gone over again at the beginning of the show.
Spectators will receive the Twitch link for the show via email on the day of your selected performance.
Other questions? Email us at [email protected]
Created and Directed by: Nick O'Leary* and Nathan Whitehouse*
Stage Manager: Rosemary Jones Creative Director of the Web App: Sam Levatich* Sound Designer: Max Koh Video Media: Nick Hess Dramaturg: Beth Pollackˠ Costume Consultant: Briana Schwartz* Streaming Director: Mike Lionˠ Associate Director: Kate Drummondˠ Production Manager: Claire Starkˠ Connectivity Consultant: Justin Johnson* Web Design Consultant: Evelyn Robertson Assistant Director/AI Captain: Casey Bowen* |
* denotes a Dacha company member
ˠ denotes a Dacha producing board member
ˠ denotes a Dacha producing board member