Dacha stands in solidarity with and fights for the Black community and the Black Lives Matter movement. We condemn white supremacy and police brutality, and strive to fight against the systemic racism that has allowed these things to fester.
We have a lot of work to do, and strive to be transparent as we do it.
As a predominantly white organization, we acknowledge that we are complicit in the centering of white voices that has been prevalent in the Seattle theater community. Here's what we're doing about it:
As of 2020:
During spring and summer of 2020, we used our social media platform to amplify the voices of Black artists and other BIPOC, and included opportunities to support them.
CLICK HERE to see a curation of our featured artists.
We suspended our donation link from April through August 2020, and redirected our community to support Black-led organizations fighting for justice. We will maintain links to support those organizations on our donation page and link tree.
We made monetary and in-kind donations to local organizations led by Black artists and BIPOC.
We committed to year-round recurring donations to arts advocacy organizations run by, supporting, and promoting Black artists and other artists of color.
We restructured how we grow our Company of artists, focusing on access and removing barriers that prevent artists of color who are getting paid work elsewhere from having a voice in our company.
We have a lot of work to do, and strive to be transparent as we do it.
As a predominantly white organization, we acknowledge that we are complicit in the centering of white voices that has been prevalent in the Seattle theater community. Here's what we're doing about it:
As of 2020:
During spring and summer of 2020, we used our social media platform to amplify the voices of Black artists and other BIPOC, and included opportunities to support them.
CLICK HERE to see a curation of our featured artists.
We suspended our donation link from April through August 2020, and redirected our community to support Black-led organizations fighting for justice. We will maintain links to support those organizations on our donation page and link tree.
We made monetary and in-kind donations to local organizations led by Black artists and BIPOC.
We committed to year-round recurring donations to arts advocacy organizations run by, supporting, and promoting Black artists and other artists of color.
We restructured how we grow our Company of artists, focusing on access and removing barriers that prevent artists of color who are getting paid work elsewhere from having a voice in our company.
Previously, we thought listing out the things that we were already doing would feel performative, and so we have hesitated to be explicit about the work we are doing. We have heard the calls for organizations to speak out, however, and we recognize now that silence is a form of violence.
It is vital that our community knows what we do, and why we do it, and how we plan to grow and improve.
Click through to see what we are already doing in the pursuit of access and equity in our organization, and some preliminary steps for how we plan to expand these efforts.
It is vital that our community knows what we do, and why we do it, and how we plan to grow and improve.
Click through to see what we are already doing in the pursuit of access and equity in our organization, and some preliminary steps for how we plan to expand these efforts.